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Packrafting in American Whitewater Magazine: Part III

This year the editor of the venerable American Whitewater Journal has been kind enough to indulge me (and the rest of the vast packraft world?) by letting me write a series of articles about packrafting. It’s been a really fun project so far. The first introductory/history article is here, and the second (using the River of Return trip as an example of what a packrafting trip can be) is here (starting on page 24). The third came out abut a month ago, and I’ve actually submitted the verbiage and photos for the fourth that will likely be out in a few weeks. I’ve pasted in a big image of the third article below.

If you aren’t yet a member of American Whitewater and are interested in rivers I can’t emphasize enough the value of indeed becoming a member. I’ve been an “Ender Club” ($100 annually) for as long as I’ve been paddling, and considering its humble size the org has had an outsized presence in the bureaucratic and development-oriented world of dam license renewals and has negotiated for dam releases for whitewater runs all over the country. It’s a worthy “investment” in our nation’s rivers. Here’s their info. Enjoy the article.

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